Mistakes you may face when choosing social network channel

1. Crowded places are not necessarily where you can get highest attention:
It is not hard to see from reality that even when a billboard is placed in the middle of a crowded market, it can still easily be overlooked by those passersby. The same things happen to web pages online. It does not matter how much money you have spent on advertising to appear on leading electronic news with millions of views per day, those efforts can still go to waste if you do not choose the right channel. There are too many people entering that website in a day, you have to estimate how many of them might be among your target market. That practice of careful calculation of potential target customer helps you direct your funds and efforts to the most effective channel, i.e. put your ads in the right place.

2. Select too many channels or only one channel:
When your advertising budget is limited, then it is not wise to select too many channel because ads display frequency on each channel will be diminished, not enough for brain image to make an impression on the viewers or help them recall your kind of products or services. If you choose only one channel such as Google Adwords or Facebook Ads, you're wasting your chances to gain potential customers from other channel. Nowadays, online customer behavior is very diverse, they visit various places only, and they don’t just check the mail or read newspapers anymore. They can find information on Search Engines like Google, shop on the web, read news, participate in social networks, etc. Hence, if you choose only one channel, you are not only making your brand look boring to visitors on that channel, but you are also wasting funds that are supposed to be spend to attract new customers from the other channel.

3. Invest too much money and dependent on Facebook or Google:
Similar to mistake # 1, many people think that Facebook and Google have many users, to advertising on them would naturally efficient. But as there are a large number of participants on those channels, there are also numerous ads placed on them, so your ads will compete with other parties for better position. The advertising fees therefore would increase tremendously as you have to bid for quick access and catchy places. Be wise; just use these tools when you need to accelerate the process or target specific users. Avoid planning you long term race attached to a specific channel.

4. There is no free lunch:
Many people favor cheap methods when demanding for absolute efficiency. If the advertising methods are cheap but focus on the wrong target, the price actually paid will be a lot more expensive. Costs for advertising dump should be based on specific indicators and is a combination of indicators includes: Click, Impression, CTR, CR, ROI, Time On Site, Page Views, etc.

5. Constantly measure and optimize:
Knowing your drawbacks and strengths is indispensable when deploying any advertising campaign. This acknowledgement would help you put your efforts into the right place, or else all would go to waste. Fail to estimate the effect of a marketing campaign or fail to optimize that plan would be really destructive as you may drift away from your target customer without a proper path planned.

Sources: References from reliable SEO forums and websites.

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