How to Optimize Images for your Website

Images are an important part of your website to make it attractive, colorful. Most of images are related to the content, symbols. In addition, it also helps you provide information to Google about images you use. But how can you optimize your images for search engines?

1. Optimize Image Sizes and Formats
Image Sizes and formats are very important when you want to load web page. They impact speed load. Never use HTML to resize an image to display it smaller. This doesn’t decrease your loads at all; the browser still loads the image full size, it just scales it down.
What about file format? You have many choices such as jpg, gif or png. PNGs save quality much, but they maintain higher file sizes. Gifs are good for icons and low-detail images, but for more detail they sacrifice either size or quality. Jpg images are going to be the smallest, but they are subject to compression artifacts and a deep loss of quality.

2. Optimize Names and Descriptions
Most of people often ignore name of image. Names should be related to Images on your website. In addition, you can twist up the content of the name to make it a little more unique. Remember that your image alt text often shows up in Google Image Search when a user clicks to see that image. It is very good to use an alt description.

3. Choose Image Captions
You can integrate image with your blog article by creative sentence. If you can include some kind of humor to help your content more interesting. And the caption has to be fit with your topic to make your readers understand what your content.

4. Optimize Image Purpose
Each Image will have different purposes on your site. So you need to optimize them for that purpose. For example: Logo and Site Icons, Decorative Images, Infographics, Product Images, Advertising and CTAs.
It is wasteful resource if you do not optimize Images for your Website.

Sources: Retrieved from various reliable SEO websites
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