Best SEO Experts Company in Singapore - The basic checklist

There is a large number of SEO Experts Company in Singapore ready to accomplish your specific SEO needs.

If you do not know how to evaluate the SEO services, you may end up wasting money without having actual expected benefits from the optimization process. In this article, we will illustrate on how to determine not only the best SEO Experts Company Singapore but also anywhere in the world. We will let you in on a tip: check your site with these following items.

1. Website Design.

You can skip this step if you have already spent big on professional Web designer for both design and SEO Services. If you do not have the two things above, don’t worry. You can just start with the user-friendly website designs and then ask for opinions of other people, especially a SEO expert. If your design is rated only 6/10, but the content is 8 and users can access any of your webpages any time they want, then the SEO expert is doing well.

Related news: Guide to Search Engines friendly design (Part 1)

Related news: Guide to Search Engines friendly design (Part 2)

2. Website Accessibility.

You need to ensure that users and spiders can access all pages on your website. You should try to identify and ask your SEO expert to eliminate the dangerous error: 404s, 500, 302s (instead of the 301s), duplicate content (including on your web pages or linked pages), no title, or too few content.

Related news: URL structures guidelines

3. Wise Keyword Usage.

Keywords should have an average degree of difficulty. You have to ask if those keywords have good search volume. Are some users actually searching for them? You might not be able to target high value terms, when first launching a website. So, when you conduct your keyword research you can look at search volume, the relevance to the website; make sure that you have something that is relevant that is actually pulling in searches you care about, and low difficulty.

Related news: Keyword Usage (Part 1)

Related news: Keyword Usage (Part 2)

Related news: Keyword Usage (Part 3)

Related news: Keyword Usage (Part 4)

4. Quality Content.

Do not just present boring texts; add more text, video, images. Put yourself in the position of Web surfers. Are you satisfied when browsing through your Web site? Google is smart now, it has a special algorithm to find the scores for the website and bring real value to the user. In fact, many sites have very few backlinks and not much on-page optimization, but are still on top because they provide content that are valuable, attractive and highly-appreciated by users. So why wait? Make your content more creative and fascinating now. If you don't have time for writing creative content, you can just use the SEO services on content as the prices for this kind of SEO services in Singapore is pretty cheap.

5. Create links.
This is the stage where everything can go wrong easily, and once you choose the wrong path, it is really hard to turn around. If your SEO expert keeps creating links that turns out to be a pile of bad quality links, low and easy to find, you should be prepared to pay the price. Google is now wiser; it is willing to punish any website with backlinks that look like spams. If you outsource SEO services, it would be more convenient since they are more likely to already have a link directory that can be used for your website, but you should clarify your backlinks building requirements to them.

Related news: Manage The Risk Of Search Engine Spam

6. Social Network.

SEO and social networks has recently become intertwined. Google recently favors Google Plus while Facebook is dominating Bing rankings. In fact, the share, like, comment, +1 are now have become an indispensable element of Search Engine ranking for one particular website. So, you should have at least four social networking accounts: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Facebook now has more than 1 billion people. Google+ also has a competitive number of users. Monitoring multiple accounts can be overwhelmed, but you need to remember: when you create new contents, the first thing you need to remember is to share it on social networks.

7. Link to website with high reputation.

Find out what websites have a large number of RSS subscribers, contribute to them and ask them to put the link on your site. Also, look for reputable bloggers in your field, contribute to their posts frequently and politely ask them to put the link on your site. You may also find invaluable resource links on social networks. It’s time for you to contribute content to others and be recognized.

In this new age of Internet Marketing where there are a variety of SEO Experts Company in Singapore to choose from, it is extremely hard for one person to identify a company that has the potentials to provide the most reasonable SEO services. Hope this article helps you determine the best SEO experts company, and not just in Singapore, but anywhere in the World. For best SEO experts company in Singapore, contact us at +65 6659 2659.

Sources: References from reliable SEO forums and websites.

Rank higher in Search Engines by focusing on user experience (Part 1)

All major Search Engines continuously update their algorithm to improve their performance to enhance users experience by providing the most useful and relevant results possible. It is hard to define the users’ expectation on “the best” content when they search, the Search Engines still have some criteria to rely on to identify what kinds of pages and websites that one specific users may please. However, those websites share several common attributes:
  • Easy to use, navigate, and understand
  • Provide useful information that is relevant to the query
  • Deliver high quality, legitimate, credible content
  • Professionally designed and accessible to any kind of browsers

Although there has been major improvement in the way Search Engines “read” a text, view an image or video, they still retain some of the limit of a machine when understanding human’s resources. Thus they need to rely on meta description and tags on websites and web pages to rank content. Search Engines cannot understand exactly how human interact with each other or with them, but they can use statistics retrieved to grasp how real people engage with web pages. This kind of insights would give them the means to increase the quality of the pages for their users.

SEO user experience elements
On Search Engine Rankings
There are a certain number of elements with which the Search Engines use as references. Those factors are keywords, links, and website’s structure. In addition, Search Engines assess a website by its user on-siteengagement and linking patterns through the act of machine learning. Usefulness and user experience are also critical factors influence the Search Engines rankings as although it is indirect, they provide valuable measurement to a website’s external popularity and popularity is a signal of high quality. We know too well by now that no website with crappy content can be popular or deserved to be ranked high.

SEO content, user experience affect rankings
Creating an insightful, sympathetic user experience can guarantee your site’s positive evaluation from both users and Search Engines. Useful and interesting content can encourage readers to share, bookmark, or even return to your site in the future as they have satisfied with their needs the last time. That is how you gain loyal readers and push your rank higher. 
Sources: References from several reliable SEO forums and websites.

Long Tail Keyword Demand

It is tremendous to be optimized for keywords that have a few thousands of searches a day. In fact, those kinds of keywords we just mentioned are only responsible for about 30% of the searches users executed in the Search Engines. “Long tail” search keywords are those that are accounted for the other 70%. Long tail keywords make up hundreds of millions searches that might be performed on the web a few times in any given day. However, putting together, they build up a huge demand for information via Search Engines. 
SEO experts point out that long tail keywords usually lead to better customer conversion rate as when people use long tail keywords to enter a site, they are more likely to purchase the products. A person searching for “SEO Experts” is probably just curious about that specific kind of expert, not that they need one. On the other hand, when someone searches for “SEO experts services in Singapore”, they may actually in need of one SEO experts on their hand.
 SEO experts in Singapore, Search demand curve
The meaning of Search Demand Curve is a fundamental concept you need to grasp when you first started SEO. Above is the Keyword demand curve. This curve indicates that the small number of queries sending larger amounts of traffic alongside the volume of less-searched phrases that bring the huge amount of our search referrals.
Keyword Resources:
You can see these below reference sources and tools for more information on keyword demand and referrals:
  • Google Adwords’ Keyword Tool
  • Google Insights for Search
  • Google Trends Keyword Demand Prediction
  • Microsoft Advertising Intelligence
  • Wordtracker’s Free Basic Keyword Demand
The most popular resource - Google's AdWords’ Keyword tool is a first reference to look into when you started your SEO keyword research. It not only recommends keywords and the accordingly anticipated search volume, but also foresees the expense that may incur when you run paid campaigns (PPC) for these terms. To determine volume for a specific keyword, be sure to set the Match Type to [Exact] and look under Local Monthly Searches. These indicate aggregate searches. The actual number of visitors you can obtain with these keywords will normally be much lower, depending on your ranking and click-through rate. Depending on your needs, you can search for other available sources or tools for keyword research that can work with more advanced data.
Sources: References from several reliable SEO forums and websites.


What is SEO as a profession? Why it becomes so attractive and how you can learn to do a job with such high demand.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization: SEO is the use of keywords, code and structures aims to increase the ranking of the website so that it is displayed higher in the search results of the major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing!, etc. SEO is a form of SEM (search engine marketing: marketing through Search Engines). If marketing strives to deliver products directly to consumers, SEO are used merely to increase the likelihood someone clicking on "links" of their website. That is the reason why SEO is considered as a natural method or algorithm-related method of Internet marketing.
 SEO Experts in Singapore
Most businesses rely on SEO for their online business
Except for household business model, all businesses, regardless of how big they are, prefer to adopt SEO techniques to make their website attractive to the reader (client) - who is looking for their products or company. It is important, your website have great any way, but if no one visits, it did not bring any benefit to the business. You can provide an almost product will change the lives of clients and even at a bargain price, but probably will not sell a product because your website is not shown on the first page second or the popular search engines. Most Internet users will not see the next page of search results before they try a different combination of keywords.
High demand for expert SEO
Currently the demand for SEO skills is very high; this is truly a happy sign if you decide to start your SEO career. In the scene where experts in Singapore and all around the World are facing unemployment due to the economic downturn, yet companies worldwide are still actively looking for skilled employees to do SEO. SEO experts in Singapore can yield an annual income above S$50000, while those who work freelance SEO, they can even earn higher salary. If you are employed as an independent SEO consultant, you will have a flexible choice of working place and hours without reducing work efficiency. Depending on your personal needs and goals, working in the SEO field will allow you to arrange working schedules, part-time or full-time with the employer without so many stringent rules.
Training and experience is the key
To become a successful SEO, you must search for the suitable training materials. While many people believe that just looking for a few key points such as the Google Keyword ranking tool is enough, there are actually a lot of other issues to attend to. Without training and appropriate exercise, all your efforts will be much less effective. Remember, there are many people who have experience in this field and you need to learn the modern and most efficient tactics to satisfy the requirements of professional clients. Once you have the necessary skills of a professional SEO, you need to immediately apply new knowledge and build a valuable experience system to share with customers (or your employers) and make them believe that you will add value to their projects.

SEO Experts in Singapore, SEO Experts Services Singapore
 SEO Experts in Singapore
Sources: References from several reliable SEO forums and websites.

Keyword Research

Why Keyword Search is so important?

Keyword (SEO Experts in Singapore) research is one of the most significant and valuable process for your search marketing campaign. Being ranked for the "right" keywords can be decisive to your website. Through the analyzing work of determining your market’s keyword demand, you will learn not only which terms and phrases to optimize, but also more about your customers as a whole.

Getting a huge amount of visitors to your site is not as important as getting the appropriate amount of the right visitors. With the keyword research, you can anticipate shifts in demand, better answer to the changes in market conditions, and provide the products and services, as well as content that users are already actively looking for. These days, there is extremely low barrier to entry in understanding customers’ needs and motivations in basically every corner. This usefulness of keyword research has never been clearer.

How to evaluate a keywords’ value

Three common drawbacks of Search Engines.

We have mentioned how Search Engines operate, and all Search Engines are operating on the same principle. The program automatically crawl the web, follow the links and index content in a giant database repository. The programmed artificial intelligence help implement these programs execute those actions smoothly. However, that does not mean that the modern Search Engine is perfect and omnipotent. They still possess many technical limitations in many aspects, which can cause major consequences to both content and ranking of websites. Here are some of the most significant limitations:
Three limitations in technology optimization Search Engines:
  1.  The problem relating to Crawling and Indexing:
Search Engine cannot penetrate into the categories on the site, so a large part of content will not be in display.
Websites using CMS (Content Management System) often create multiple copies of the same page - this is a big problem for Search Engines in searching for information, especially new content.
Errors in indicating in a site with slow speed (robots.txt) can completely block the Search Engines.
Poor and loose internal and external links will make Search Engines unable to search content contained in web pages thoroughly. These structures, in some cases, allow the Search Engines to collect web content. Yet, in the indexing process (SE process of searching, storing and displaying web content) the little information found will be assessed as "not important".
 Content searching, content display, content mismatch, rank content
Translating non-text content:
Although Search Engines have nowadays be more efficient in reading content that is not in HTML format, but contents in multimedia formats still causes many problems for the analysis of the Search Engine.
  2.  Content not suitable for queries.
The text is written in a way that is not familiar to common users. For example, writing about "cooling machinery food"  while the user is searching for "refrigerator".
Words and the language internationalization such as “color" and "colour": When you doubt your words, check the popular search of people to see if there is an exact match for your search query.
Determine the wrong target. For example, the majority of those who visit your site is from Japan, but your targeted keywords and content are in Polish.
There is a connection of content and title. For example, your article title is "The best SEO services provider in Singapore", but the contents of the article refer to a list of companies using a specific SEO services. This mismatch will confuse the Search Engines.
  3.  Effect "Fallen trees in the forest"
SEO is not just about the content, structure, optimization techniques to create a search friendly website. It is also an effective marketing method, the most economical one actually. Maybe you've built up an excellent website, but if you do not promote, develop, your site will be completely invisible to the Search Engines. So what is point in designing a perfect website in the first place? This is due to the nature of search technology; it depends on relevant data and the level of importance to show results.
"Fallen trees in the forest" is an adage meaning that when a tree falls and no one is around to hear any sounds, it is postulated that there is nothing happening. In other words, without links to your content, the Search Engines may ignore your website.