Have you ever questioned “What do your online customers do on internet?” ? Most people ignore it. The majority of SME owners said that the awareness of customer behavior is a black box that traffic input, orders output. To do Internet marketing is you must find many strategies to drive customers aimed at your site and wait until a part of traffic convert into orders. In this article, SEO Agency Singapore will discuss how to increase Conversion rate.
It is assumed that your website has 1.000 traffic/ day and conversion rate is 2%. To double sales you have to double the advertising budget. You can imagine that if you increase conversion rate from 2% to 4%, your sale revenue will double too. Especially, you will not need to pay any additional cost. Thus, you can open the “black box” to reduce your costs.
AISAS model of Dentsu will help you better position the consumer behavior of Dentsu with 5 stages: Attention, Interest, Search, Action and Share.
AISAS model of Dentsu will help you better position the consumer behavior of Dentsu with 5 stages: Attention, Interest, Search, Action and Share.

If your potential customers click on your website with keyword “LED TV”, they wonder to buy or not. They will not make a decision immediately, because they are still in the stage of interest. Thus, they want to find out more information, and after getting a lot of information from other sites they will decide which website they will buy. Are you sure that they will come back to your website to order?
When your customers come to your website with keyword: “samsung 40 inch LED TV Buying in Hanoi” that it means that then have prepared and decided to contact you to order.
To save money for each keyword you need to find out “Which is the stage of buying process when Customers search keywords?” with SEO and adwords campaigns. In SEO keyword plan and adwords campaign, you can see a column to asses the readiness purchase. However, this assessment is not easy and the only way is to rely on intuition. To put yourself in position and think about what customers have to do before buying, after then you can give the willingness to buy on a 4 point scale. For example, you can look at the table below:
To save money for each keyword you need to find out “Which is the stage of buying process when Customers search keywords?” with SEO and adwords campaigns. In SEO keyword plan and adwords campaign, you can see a column to asses the readiness purchase. However, this assessment is not easy and the only way is to rely on intuition. To put yourself in position and think about what customers have to do before buying, after then you can give the willingness to buy on a 4 point scale. For example, you can look at the table below:

These points will help you know which keywords need to take first place or not. These reviews do not always get more customers. Thus, it is good to brainstorm as many ideas as possible.
In addition to increase a number of customers who come back after stage of search you should run remarketing adwords and facebook. This way will give you sales opportunities due to the possibility of catching feature.
With best seo services singapore, we always give your business the best way to increase your ranking on Google results and brings customers to your business. If you have any concern, feel free to contact us.
Sources: Retrieved from various reliable SEO websites
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