Why Google+ is a factor of SEO and how to use Google+

Let SEO agency in Singapore explain with the question why Google+ is a factor of SEO and how to use Google+ effectively to promote SEO.

Google+ is the favorite social network of webmaster as it shares an intimate relationship with Google Search Engine.

Why Google+ affect SEO?

Google plus
It is because Google+ is different from other social networks such as Facebook or Twitter in a sense that those who follow you in Google+ will have the priority in jumping to your next article on Google search engine. Google+ brings your website more traffic and results showing priority to those in you circle.
If you have 10,000 followers on Google+, your new article would appear on the top 10 Google ranking on your followers’ Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Therefore, if your follower list has 300 people and they click on your results, then you will have a higher CTR rate compared to other results and Google will rate your website higher.

How to use Google+ effectively to promote SEO

Here are some tips to help sharing on Google+ contribute more actively to your SEO plan:

Google plus

1.    Sharing links with headlines

It’s a good idea to share links with headlines into the post. It will make your target audience more attractive and increase the chance people read what you shareYou can check out Google+ format cheat sheet to help your posts look more intuitive to users and more attractive to search engines results.

2.    Put Google Comment on shared URL

Placing Google Comments on articles to be good for optimizing SEO and Google+ SEO of those articles. Better results would be achieved when you should post your own articles embedded with Google comment.

3.    Don’t forget #hashtag

Google+ use #hashtag to organize and allocate relevant contents, so choose the right Hashtag content and don’t spam too much.

4.    An attractive description with target keywords

To attract your target audience to the main content, you should write a short description for your article. It will make your articles resourceful and clear. Remember that your own photo is better than others.
Therefore, you also need to pay attention to optimizing this kind of social network for your SEO master plan. Let SEO Agency Singapore help you push your keyword ranks by Google+.

Source: Retrieved from various reliable SEO websites

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